Stress Reduction

Stress Reduction
Chronic Stress is the other major enemy of good health and quality of life. We work too hard, worry too much and rest too little in our lives. It’s time to do something!
The Chi-Builder is a sanctuary, a place where any stress and tension you may have simply melts away. Chi-Building brings yoga-like peace, balance and rejuvenation to the mind, body and spirit. Inside, it’s cozy and womb-like, with soft LED lights, aromatherapy and isolating sound that makes you forget whatever may be going on in the world outside – almost as though for those 25-50 minutes, it ceases to exist. The Chi-Builder is intended for one person at a time and is a phone-free zone, providing you the time and space to put yourself first. On another level, the benefits Chi-Building provides, can limit the amount of stress you experience in other ways, because being confident with how you look, loving your new Chi-Built Body and Feeling great do wonders. Imagine not having to feel guilty because you ate a cookie (or two), or the warm feeling you get knowing you’re improving your health and fitness on a regular basis. Chi-Building invokes these feelings, and provides real results. This is why it’s the modern day lifestyle solution. It’s the elegant harmony of modern technology enhanced by ancient principles of natural wellness, the epitome of the convenience without compromise. It’s the Chi-Builder, and it will change your life.

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