Reiki Attunement


A Reiki attunement is like a special and very sacred meditation. The purpose of a Reiki attunement is to bring us into a harmonious relationship with the Reiki energy, and to help lift the veils and filters we may be holding between our personality/ego and our higher self.

A Reiki attunement is activated by a Reiki master-teacher, who has been trained in the attunement technique, and who shares the process with a person who has the spiritual desire and intention to awaken their inner healing power.

One of the things that takes place in a Reiki attunement is that our subtle energy system, clears and releases denser energies. Also our chakras and etheric field are strengthened so that we are capable of receiving and transmitting high frequency healing light, at will and for extended periods of time.

With the rapid acceptance of Reiki energy by healers around the world, we find that the strength of the energy is increasing exponentially as more people are attuned, or receiving Reiki treatments and Reiki training.

As the strength of Reiki increases, the power of the attunement to clear and fortify our subtle
bodies is intensified as well.

The Three Levels of Reiki Training

Reiki is easy to learn, with only three levels of training to reach the level of Master. The following list decribes the three levels of Reiki training. Keep these in mind when training or when looking for a Reiki practitioner:

  • 1st degree: Also called Reiki I or Shoden in Japanese. This is entry-level Reiki training where you study Reiki history, learn how to perform self-Reiki, and how to give Reiki to someone else, and are initiated (attuned) for life to the Reiki energy.
  • 2nd degree: Also called Reiki II or Okuden in Japanese. You learn how to use the first three Reiki symbols and how to perform distant Reiki techniques. You receive further attunements to the Reiki energy. After this class, you are considered a Reiki practitioner.
  • 3rd degree: Also called Reiki III or Shinpiden in Japanese. This is the Master Teacher level of Reiki, and the class may be separated into two parts. You receive the Master Reiki attunement and learn the Master Reiki symbol and how to give the Reiki attunements to others

View Petra’s schedule of healing classes for the current schedule. Classes for “Regular People”

Many people ask if “regular people” can take our classes if they are not nurses or massage therapists. The answer is YES! Our classes are also designed to help the student learn Reiki for their personal use, as well as to help friends and family.

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