Petra’s Book Publishing

Finally done with my Book!  I am so glad its finally coming to end..

Decided to go through Balboa Press, an affiliate of the Haye House. Its been a roller coaster of emotions “high and low” and I have learned a lot about myself and uncovered many things about my journey. Balboa Press said the book could be out in 3 months and offered me an amazing package.   Wow, here I am – I spilled my guts and there is still so much more to write.  I ask myself, will I ever be finished…. maybe when I die.” P

Introduction of “The Girl from Bavaria”  by Petra Nicoll-Kufner

My desire in writing this book was to inspire someone in this world who perhaps asks the same question that I did as a young adult.

“Why am I here and what is my true purpose on EARTH?”

As a young girl growing up in Munich, Bavaria. A near death experience at age of nine, the sudden death of my Mother and a relative in the SS during Nazi Germany, I vowed that I would never live a life enslaved to a system that was created to turn us into currency slaves.

That I would find a way out of the rat race, that I would search for answers of why our system is so broken and that there is a way for us, the human race, to come out of this predicament.

“I was becoming transformed and more intuitive, yes even psychic, moving into a life of a meditator.  Being authentic and soul-centered costs you your ticket to ride from the collective mainstream to the illusion of safe and secure. It opens the door to your bloody and glistening, broken whole heart, which will reveal to you the sweetness of this wildly delicious, messy life and leaves you and those you touch, feeling radically free. My life had been laced with chaos and unmet emotional needs and here I was filled with such deep love and contentment.”

G. Jung said:   “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their fear.